Home > Allotments


Growing your own fruit and veg has become a very popular past-time.

Haughley Parish Council runs the allotment site alongside Bacton Road just after the turning to Base Green.   Residents are given priority when an allotment becomes vacant.

Allotment Rates

Allotments are leased on a yearly basis but may become available during the year. If you are on the waiting list you will be contacted by the Clerk as soon as an allotment becomes available. The allotment plots vary in size and a charge is made appropriate to the area of the plot. The charges are reviewed annually.

Request an Allotment

To request a Haughley Parish Council allotment please contact the Parish Clerk clerk@haughleypc.co.uk.  Your name will be added to the waiting list and you will be notified when a place becomes available. Please do not send any money unless instructed to do so by the clerk.