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Unauthorised Encampment

2 August 2024

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Unauthorised encampment of travellers on the Playing Field

During the late evening of 29th July, a group of Travellers arrived in Haughley and formed an unauthorised encampment on King George V Playing Field.  The number of caravans generally varied between 10 and 16 plus other vehicles.  Haughley Parish Council, together with members of the Playing Field Committee and football clubs coordinated their efforts to minimise the extent of potential damage. The Council lead the consultations with Mid Suffolk District Council, Suffolk County Council and the Gypsy Roma and Traveller Service for Norfolk and Suffolk and the Police.

We wish to record special thanks to several people who put in many many hours,

  • finding out what needed to be done within the Law,
  • liaising with Council Officers and others,
  • arranging for Notices to be agreed, drafted and served,
  • speaking and communicating with residents and others both directly and via social media,
  • preparing for and arranging for the great clean up and
  • arranging for immediate and temporary security. 

It was a lot more complicated that this sounds.

Within a few hours of the travellers leaving, it was necessary to secure the playing field against all access due to the site having been left with significant contamination.  We thank all those who have helped, including

  • Public Realm from MSDC for cleaning up so much and so swiftly after the travellers left the premises. 
  • Additional cleansing work proved necessary and MJH Pressure Cleaning came in on Sunday morning to steam clean, treat and steam rinse the children’s play equipment. 
  • The children’s play equipment was reinspected for safety by our specialist inspector R&S Play Installation without charge.  
  • Parkers Pitches very kindly undertook scarification of the pitches as part of this process at no charge and
  • Haughley Block Plant delivered, free of charge, concrete blocks to enhance site security to prevent further unauthorised access as a temporary measure.   

Planning for a more permanent solution is in progress, including arranging finance and installing suitable barriers to enhance long term security whilst being mindful of the need for emergency vehicle access as well as maintenance and authorised vehicles.   We also thank the many people who volunteered to help with the clear up.

Whereas travellers have visited Haughley on several occasions, generally with one or two caravans at a time, they have never been known to have formed an encampment on the Playing Field during living memory – over 80 years.  The unauthorised encampment on the Playing Field during recent weeks has necessitated a review of relevant risk assessments.   Over the course of the next few weeks, the Playing Field Committee will consult with the Crime Prevention Officer, ambulance and fire services, officers at Mid Suffolk District Council and the Gypsy Roma and Traveller Service to identify and install appropriate security equipment.

We are grateful to the many people who have supported our efforts with understanding and offers of help. 

Haughley Parish Council and

Haughley Playing Field Committee