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Local Councils such as Town and Parish Councils do not have a statutory responsibility for services such as planning. The responsibility for the discharge of this function in the majority of cases rests with the District and Borough Councils as the Local Authority.

For Haughley this is Mid Suffolk District Council.

To search for an application go the Mid Suffolk site and search for Planning Applications, Appeals and Enforcements by keyword, application reference, postcode or by a single line of an address.

PLANNING is a very important part of the Parish Council’s work. Although, to date, the Parish Council cannot make decisions, it can influence, through plans and comments, building development in the parish.

Haughley Parish Council – as a statutory consultee of Mid Suffolk District Council (MSDC) – is asked to comment on all planning applications within the Parish. The District Council must take into account, but not necessarily follow, the views or recommendations of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council is consulted for its local knowledge but does not determine a Planning Application. This is the role of the planning committee at MSDC (made up of District Councillors) or sometimes by the planning officers using delegated powers. Their decisions are based upon Planning Policies set out in the Local Plan, Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Government Guidance.

Regarding planning applications, Mid Suffolk District Council must take Parish Council comments into account when determining the application.   All Meetings are open to the public who, at the Chairman’s discretion, may speak on matters on the agendas.


Neighbourhood Plan

Since April 2012, local communities have been able to produce Neighbourhood Plans for their local area, putting in place planning policies for future development and growth of their neighbourhood. These plans articulate the community’s vision for sustainability, improving the area, providing new facilities and allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development. They are subject to independent examination and public referendum, once adopted they form a key part of the Local Development Plan. This statutory status gives Neighbourhood Plans far more weight than other local planning documents, such as parish plans, community plans and village design statements.

At its Full Council meeting on 24 October 2019, Mid Suffolk District Council resolved to 'make' (adopt) the Haughley NHP following a majority 'Yes' vote in favour of doing so by local residents.

The Plan, which covers the period up to 2036, now forms part of the development plan framework for the District. It will be used in the determination of planning applications submitted in Haughley, unless material considerations indicate otherwise

 Haughley NHP