Parish Council
Community Engagement
Haughley Parish Council is the closest tier of local government to the community. The Parish Council wants to work closely with the public, including all residents, community groups and businesses, to encourage participation in decision making. The aim is to secure better services and to create a more active and informed community.
The Community
The Parish Council seeks to engage with all sections of Haughley’s community including the young and the elderly as well as the local business community, the many clubs, organisations and societies which are active in the parish, its partners such as Mid Suffolk District Council, Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Constabulary Safer Neighbourhood Team and the local schools and churches. The Parish Council is also committed to engaging with any persons who appear to it to have an interest in matters relating to the economic, social and environmental well-being of its area.
The council will consult with the community should it resolve to undertake, initiate or facilitate any major projects or undertakings in the parish.
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