Governance and Policy
All Parish Councils have to discharge their duties and powers within the law and according to their governance policies on the conduct of meetings and financial matters. These policies, procedures and charges are reviewed regularly and updated when appropriate.
Parish Councillor's are required to observe the Code of Conduct which sets out the standards of behaviour that Councillors are expected to adhere to. The register of interest is available at the Babergh District Council website here.
Under the Freedom of Information Act it is the duty of every Parish Council to adopt and maintain a publication scheme. The Scheme provides a list of all the information the parish council makes routinely available, explains how it can be accessed and whether or not a charge is made for it. It is important that all sections of the community can access the council’s information, and systems are in place to make the listed information available to the public as easily as possible. Where possible, information will be placed on the Parish Council web-site and where this is not possible the information needed to be made available and / or sent to the person requesting it.
The Policies & Procedures, Protocols and Terms of Reference that have been adopted by Haughley Parish Council are available below for you to download and read:
- Forms-for-Completion
- CIL Funding Application Form
2023-11-12 17:20:00 - Small Grant Application
2023-11-12 17:18:12
Code-of-Conduct- Code of Conduct 2020 Adopted May 2022
2022-05-23 19:37:16
Policies-and-Procedures- Bio Diversity Policy
2024-09-19 15:17:11 - Anti Harassment Policy
2024-03-26 16:00:19 - Appraisal Policy
2024-03-26 16:00:13 - Bank Policy Under review
2024-03-26 16:00:08 - Complaints Procedure
2024-03-26 15:59:50 - Dignity at Work
2024-03-26 15:59:35 - Disaplinary Procedure
2024-03-26 15:59:26 - Employee Privacy Notice
2024-03-26 15:59:06 - Environmental Policy
2024-03-26 15:58:57 - Equality Statement
2024-03-26 15:58:43 - General Privacy Notice
2024-03-26 15:58:23 - Grant Policy
2024-03-26 15:58:12 - Grivance Policy
2024-03-26 15:58:05 - Health and Safety Policy
2024-03-26 15:57:54 - Media Policy
2024-03-26 15:57:44 - Noticeboard Policy
2024-03-26 15:57:33 - Reserves Policy
2024-03-26 15:57:17 - Safe Guarding Policy
2024-03-26 15:57:04 - Sickness Absence Policy
2024-03-26 15:56:55 - Social Media Polcy
2024-03-26 15:56:45 - Training and Development Policy
2024-03-26 15:56:30 - Volunteer Policy
2024-03-26 15:56:19 - Whistleblowing Policy
2024-03-26 15:56:12
Publication-Scheme- Freedom-of-Information-V1.0.docx.pdf
2020-12-31 13:19:11 - Model-Publication-Scheme-V1.0.docx.pdf
2020-12-31 13:19:11
Risk-Assesments- Clerk
2024-06-10 10:57:43 - Community Caretaker
2024-06-10 10:57:33 - Gallowsfield Wood
2024-06-10 10:57:24 - Parish
2024-06-10 10:57:16 - VAS
2024-06-10 10:57:03 - Volunteer
2024-06-10 10:56:58
Standing-Orders- Standing Orders
2024-03-26 16:41:45