Parish Council
Meetings of the Parish Council
All full council and committee meetings are open to the press and public and details of the meetings are published in advance, on this web site and in the monthly village newsletter. In addition, the agenda for the Finance and Policy and Planning Committees will be published in advance on this website at least 3 clear days prior to the meeting.
Full Parish Council Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, in the Pavilion Function Room, to discuss current Parish issues and members of the public are encouraged and very welcome to attend these meetings.
Members of the public are very welcome to attend any of the meetings of the Council, but may not take part in the debate. There is a time set aside for members of the public to make any comments that they would like to bring to the attention of Councillors. Comments may be on any subject of concern to the Council, including items that are to be discussed later, or other issues entirely. The public are asked to bear in mind that legally the Council can only discuss items that have been advertised in the published agenda. Members of the public introducing new subjects may have to wait until the following month before the Council is able to debate the matter.
A copy of any reports or correspondence cited in the agenda or minutes can be made available from the clerk
Reporting at meetings Protocol
Meeting Dates for 2025 - 2026 - TBC